30 ~ 39 tuổiDáng vóc

Tôi cảm nhận rằng dáng đã trở nên mảnh mai hơn" or "Tôi cảm thấy đường nét đã trở nên gọn gàng hơn

Bây giờ, cảm giác nặng nề và tê tê trong chân tôi đang dần biến mất! Tuy nhiên, vì sưng tiếp tục di chuyển xuống, đôi khi bắp chân của tôi cảm thấy rất nặng! Tôi cảm nhận rằng đường nét đã trở nên mảnh mai hơn!
Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ Glovi
Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ Glovi
16 Đánh giá
Rho Bongil
Rho Bongil
Chuyên gia
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of plastic surgery, Medical Doctor
  • Liftime member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Nam Sangjae
Nam Sangjae
Chuyên gia
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of plastic surgery, Medical Doctor
  • Liftime member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Park Jongchul
Park Jongchul
Chuyên gia
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of plastic surgery, Medical Doctor
  • Member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Kim Jaein
Kim Jaein
Chuyên gia
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of plastic surgery, Medical Doctor
  • Member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Park Seonghyuk
Park Seonghyuk
Chuyên gia
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of plastic surgery, Medical Doctor
  • Member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Cho Hyun Woo
Cho Hyun Woo
Chuyên gia
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of plastic surgery, Medical Doctor
  • Member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Oh Taek Hun
Oh Taek Hun
  • [Education]
  • Chung-Ang University College of Medicine
  • [Experience]
  • Specialist of Anesthesiologist, Medical doctor

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